Thursday 28 May 2020

Schedule 4

Memory drawing is so tough!
I quite enjoyed the other ones (though they're a little difficult with online photos rather than life drawing models), especially the descriptive pose. The descriptive pose and the reverse pose really forces you to think rather than just copy, which I think is much required for me. Sometimes my brain just wonder off when I am doing gesture drawing. The group pose is quite fun - I have never considered looking at the group as a connected unit and I think that conveys a better flow.
I re-read the daily composition exercise and think I missed a little bit of the instruction - I believe the exercise wants you to place the figure in relation to its surroundings, whereas I have been mainly trying to remember the figure, and just fill in the surrounding roughly from what I remember/imagined. However, I think we're suppose to see the whole thing as a unit, like the group pose. I try to pay more attention to the surrounding of the subject now.

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