I'm 20% of the way through!
The modelled ink initially started off being an absolute pain, as per usual for the contour part of the exercise. It was only on the 3rd day that I realized - I am holding the pen incorrectly. In hindsight it should have been obvious, but if the drawing board and tilted towards you, there is the tendency to hold the pen almost horizontally (or even tilted upwards). That is not useful for the ink to be drawn out by gravity. After that little revelation, it was a lot smoother. I quite like the outcome from the modelled ink to be fair - it does look sort of 3D. The process somewhat reminds me of 3D pen. I've also recently started to read through anatomy books and that really helps keeping things interesting when scribbling away. The act of trying to identify and "feel" the muscle/bone bumps was good.
Daily composition is good, though I think maybe doing 4 from memory + 1 from imagination per day might be a bit of an overkill. Still managing it so far. I guess one of the problems with the composition from memory is that I remember vague scenes from many incidences, but none of them super clearly. I hope I am not stretching myself too thin. It feels that it's been easier to remember many scenes. I usually remember about 6 or 7, though the "ordinary" scenes (such as people having a picnic, couple walking amongst trees) are harder for me to remember.
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