I didn't quite understand the weighted drawing, though when it moved to modelled drawing, it eventually made sense. Strangely, it does feel like you got a lump of clay and you're trying to push your hand/the side of the crayon to shape what you see. Initially I had a hard time trying to slow down enough to span through the full duration of the time allocated - I ended up finding more complex image so I got more stuff to work on for longer. However, the more I fully internalised the idea that I am molding something that is almost like clay, the more I can slow down as I would sit back and just stare at the picture to try to understand which bits are rounded/flat. I started pressing in one end of the side of the crayon, almost like using a sculpting tool, to shape what's on the page into what I see. One huge benefit that I noticed from this exercise is that now when I see things, I think of them as 3D volumes much more so than before - for a long time I think in 2D when I draw.
I have been doing 4 daily 24hr memory compositions + 1 imaginary composition everyday. It has been immensely fun. It's also been the drive for me to go out and run around in the park. Perhaps 4 daily sketches is a bit much. We'll see.
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