Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Daily composition (May - July, 2020)

I decided to move all the daily compositions into their own post. So far I have done just over 200 daily compositions (not posted all of them), and I really feel the improvements in both my ability to remember and to draw. 

Schedule 13

Half way through! This week, the gesture, blind contour and modelled drawing are overlapped on top of one another using same pose. All these weird exercises that I've been doing suddenly made sense now, and I actually feel I am substantially better than I used to be. Someone said the following in one of the forum threads discussing about the book

"I asked my teacher why more teachers don’t follow the schedule. He said that for the first six months you don’t see results and schools don’t think modern students have the patience to trudge things out for that long before results. In Nicolaides’ time, he said, students didn’t expect instant results."

I would agree with that. I felt that I have improved in the way I see things, but I didn't know what the improvements look like until this week. And on a even happier note, it looks like the exercises would stay pretty much like this week for the rest of the book!

Thursday, 2 July 2020

Schedule 12

This week's exercise is mainly an extension to the drapery study last week, except now the drapery is wrapping around a figure. Was chatting to someone on this reddit thread and they mentioned photographing themselves posing for some of the exercises. That is such a fantastic idea. For the drapery-on-figure gesture studies, I set a webcam on video recording, then spend 2 minutes making about 50 poses. Then, I just pause between poses when I am drawing. You also get the added bonus that sometimes the transition between poses create fantastic gesture in the fabric.

I ran out of burnt sienna, so I did the modelled drawing in green. To my surprise, I actually quite liked it. Started doing daily composition from long-memory/imagination this week. It's hard to draw from imagination and I often sit there thinking for 10 min before doing anything. I need to just get on with it. For now, I'll do 1-2 composition from imagination and 3 from recalled memory. 

Daily composition (May - July, 2020)

I decided to move all the daily compositions into their own post. So far I have done just over 200 daily compositions (not posted all of the...